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Monthly Archive: September 2020

Tackling Police Violence in Latin America

by Agustina Carrizo de Reimann In this blog entry, ReCentGlobe member Agustina Carrizo de Reimann addresses the latest cases of police brutality in Latin America from a historical perspective and reflects upon other points of departure for the discussion. Against simplistic explanations, she traces the obscurity of the field of...

Stark bewölkt statt eitel Sonnenschein

von Niklas Schörnig Der angekündigte Austritt der USA aus dem Vertrag über den Offenen Himmel belastet die europäische Sicherheitsarchitektur. Die europäischen Optionen, darauf zu reagieren, sind begrenzt.Der Frankfurter Politikwissenschaftler Dr. Niklas Schörnig ist in dieser Woche Gastautor des ReCentGlobe Blogs. In den letzten Jahren des Ost-West Konfliktes und der unmittelbaren...

Corona Diaries from Northeast Africa – Part 1: A Question of Morality and Religion?

by Günther Schlee with Biritu Girma, Kansite Gelebo Korra, Kebede Geletu, Loang Chuol, Medhin Dogiso, Solomon Erjabo, Shafi Muze Soon after Günther Schlee took up a professorship at Arba Minch University, Ethiopia the university was closed as a measure to control the spread of the corona virus and the students...