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Monthly Archive: March 2022

Actors and Archives on the Move – Studying Mid-20th Century Black Radicalism and Anticolonial Activism

by Lena Dallywater (Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography) and Ana Moledo (Leipzig University) Part I – Some methodological reflections on the intricacies involved in our research Recently, the scholarly interest in Black Activism and Black Internationalism, and the movements, networks and ideas of intellectuals and activists has been increasing as...

Putin’s Cheerleaders: How the War in Ukraine Jeopardizes France’s Populist Presidential Candidates

By Therese Mager, Research Institute Social Cohesion (FGZ)/ ReCentGlobe, Leipzig University – As is the case throughout Europe, French politics have been turned upside-down by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Unlike most nations, however, France is mere weeks away from a general election. The onset of war has triggered a...

The Russia-Ukraine War also Divides China

by Dr. Man Zhang, Research Institute Social Cohesion (FGZ)/ ReCentGlobe, Leipzig University – The Russia-Ukraine war has shocked the world, not only because of the war itself, but also because of those who have supported and cheered for it. Some societies united to stand alongside Ukraine, while others are divided...

Africa and the Russian Aggression against Ukraine – A Blog Series

By Prof. Dr. Ulf Engel, Institute of African Studies – How have African states and their continental organisation, the African Union (AU), responded to Russia’s aggression against the Ukraine? Have they developed a sense of unity – or are historic trajectories along Cold War lines playing out? Moreover, does their...

The Orthodox Church and the War in Ukraine

by Sebastian Rimestad Against the backdrop of the ongoing Russian military assault, former Senior Research Fellow at the KFG Multiple Secularities and current Heisenberg Fellow at the Institute for the Study of Religions at Leipzig University Sebastian Rimestad sheds light on Orthodox Christianity in Ukraine and its role in the...

Pandemic Space: Zur verschränkten Geschichte von Quarantäne und Segregation

von Nina Mackert Wie gestalten Quarantänemaßnahmen den öffentlichen Raum sowie die soziale Ordnung nachhaltig mit? Während der Spanischen Grippe (1918 – 1920) gab es Quarantänemaßnahmen, auch in den USA und in Südafrika. Das Leipzig Lab Global Health, das am ReCentGlobe in der Research Area 4 angesiedelt ist, untersucht nun im...